Wednesday, March 6, 2013


6:20 PM Posted by Unknown , No comments
Well, I've totally failed so far when it comes to blogging. I blame going back to work full-time. :) 

When I sat down to think about a blog topic, I couldn't help but look at the calendar and realize we have a few anniversaries coming up. First of all, this week marks two months at my new job. How in the world has it been two months already?? In such a large company and complex industry, I feel like I'm learning something or meeting someone new every single day. It's refreshing and keeps me motivated. Happy work anniversary to me!

Exactly six months ago TODAY we moved to Houston. It's absolutely crazy that it's already been six months. There's so much that comes with a relocation: learning a new city and its transportation systems, new jobs, new friends, new dog parks (ha, this is of course on our transition list!), new everything. After six months we feel like we've learned a lot about the Bayou City and the south, in general, but a few things stick out:

  • Houston is the food capital of the US. Tex-mex, seafood, BBQ, you name it, there are thousands of top-notch restaurants in the metro-area. And Houstonians go out to eat all the time. Pick a random Tuesday night and restaurants in all parts of the city are still packed. If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you see we have frequented several local favorites. I mean, how could we resist? :)
  • Everyone says y'all. Yep, it's true. I've even caught myself saying it a few times. 
  • Houston is a melting pot. In fact, in 2012, a research study found that the Houston region is the most ethnically diverse large metro area in the US. (Houston Chronicle
  • Everyone works or knows someone who works in Energy. I learned this pretty quickly while job searching. I pulled a quick stat just to give you an idea: Houston is home to major U.S. energy firms in every segment, including exploration, production, oil field service and supply, and development. About 3,600 energy-related companies lie within the Houston area, including 600 exploration and production firms and 170 pipeline companies. Given the existence of these firms, and the technically trained and experienced work force, Houston no doubt will remain the center of the energy industry in the United States.
  • Traffic sucks. ALL the time. Seriously though, not just the typical morning/afternoon rush hour traffic going to and from downtown. There's ALWAYS traffic. It doesn't matter what direction you're going at what time of day. Considering thousands and thousands of people move to this city every year, the six-to-eight-lane highways are getting filled up. OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, but really, you can always expect a decent amount of traffic.
After six months, we feel like this is our adopted home. Happy moving anniversary to us! 

And last but certainly not least, next months marks our first wedding anniversary. Our first year of marriage has been full of happiness and love. Since we're both in new jobs with limited vacation time, we won't be island hopping or anything this year, so we've decided to be tourists in our own city. The plans are in the works for a special celebration, southern style! :) 

Much love,


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